Missing journal

My journal went missing

I can't say if it was misplaced or taken, yes, I meant "taken".  No, I'm not paranoid.   I live with some very dishonest people, some of which have Reactive Attachment Disorder which causes them to take things of personal value to me, photos, jewelry, mementos, and perhaps even journals.  I set it down about a week ago intending to pick it up and write. Then I was distracted and went out of the house for an errand.  When I returned, it was gone and hasn't been seen or claimed to be seen sense. Or maybe, I did misplace it.. Rather aggravating to not know for sure.

Kinda makes me wonder what I wrote.  I guess that is a lesson to never leave written words that I don't intend for others to see.  Funny, I used to think a journal was a history for posterity.  Then, I thought of it as a personal space to vent and scribble my deepest feelings, and yearnings.  Guess I really am an open book now.  I hope it's worth reading.


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