How is it?

 Not counting days yet and may not until the last two weeks of work, but I submitted my retirement application today.  Like any other person going into retirement, at least as I imagine, there is a part of me that is looking forward to a relief from day-to-day work pressures and wonder how to re-establish a routine and how soon. 

Because of medical appointments and procedures, and fatigue, etc my work attendance has diminished.  slightly. I am also preparing Maddie for moving to a residential habilitation - supported living agency where they can provide her with daily support and guide her toward a more independent living in an apartment with a roommate.  Adding to that I am working out the retirement process and reminding myself to eat something substantial each day.  

Tonight, we did a freezer meal preparation for a Relief Society activity.  Working together 15 of us prepared 3 meals of 6 recipes in about an hour. The pesto in the pesto tortellini bake smelled delicious, but the las time I ate pasta, it was hard to swallow. After securing the meals in freezer bags and foil dishes, we sliced apples, separated orange segments, cut bananas into thirds, and snacked on them while visiting. A choice of 2 fruit dips were provided: a blend of cream cheese and marshmallow cream with a touch of lemon juice; or a creamy dip made from coconut milk. Tonight, I had no desire to dip.  "Caution" flashed in my mind at the thought of dipping in.  The last time I ate any creamy cheese; it didn't agree with me, actually neither did the pasta, or ragu sauce.  Forewarned by recollection of that dish, I ate 3 apples slices, 3 orange segments, and 1/3 of a banana and dipped once into the coconut cream, feeling satisfied that I ate something healthy today. Other foods I consumed today were a Premier protein shake, a peanut butter and jam spread on Dave's thin sliced all grain bread, and a "Hint" pineapple beverage, in addition to water. Make that 2 premier protein shakes now just consumed another realizing how few calories I ate today. 

Since July 2024, I have lost 70+ pounds of body weight.  At first it was due to extensive coughing and reflux leading to emesis.  A weight loss momentum gradually built until my lack of appetite resulted in dropping between 7-10 pounds a week since Christmas.  Van says if I don't stabilize soon, or turn it around, we may eventually have to resort to tube feedings.  Now that is a motivator!!

On the swallowing evaluation at Inland Imaging, I swallowed well, except for one small episode of what appeared to be gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Tomorrow, I am scheduled for an EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) to see if I have any lesions in my throat or other irritations creating swallowing problems. Only clear liquids after midnight and then no liquids, ice chips, or anything by mouth from 9:45 am until after the procedure.

How is it I can go hours without drinking any fluids, until I am told that I can't?!


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