What began as an austere holiday week has turned to 
the best Christmas ever!
To get the idea in very brief form: Monday night two of our teens got into a fight and when one threatened bodily harm to the other, a door was locked, and then "busted down".  
NOT a great start to winter break 2010!
Christmas was nearly cancelled at our house.
SO, bring things down a notch, we regrouped on being 
Last evening we enjoyed the Emperor and Galapago's cooking while Rockhopper, Chinstrap, Humbolt, Adelie, and Gentoo played games like Bingo, and Galapagos joined in with the vegetable game, candy wrapper game, a Christmas Carol quiz, and the Left-Right Nativity game.  We had a very amateur talent show with song, piano, and clarinet. The Christmas story was followed by a wonderful feast.
Gifts were opened and thank you's and hugs exchanged.

Morning has come and I sit waiting....Santa has arrived and sunrise is due any moment now.
Today we shall breakfast with danishes and quiche, enjoy a stocking and gift, and then attend a movie together at the local theatre.
What began in disaster, ends with joy!
HOPE ever after.


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