
It is said "A place for everything and everything in it's place."

I laugh. 

If you were to look in my home today (which you won't because I'm not letting anyone in it!), I don't think you'd find anything in it's place.  It's a total disaster from weeks ( years? ) of neglect.  What happenned to my clutter free environment? So many people compliment on how organized I am. It comes out when I conduct a meeting, or set up my work schedule, or do public things. If they only knew that is only the inner me.  

The inner me loves tranquility, organization, harmony and clutter-free ease. I love tidiness. Tidy square foot gardens, storage containers all neatly labeled, beds made whenever they are not in use, crayons and colored pencils in their original boxes.... I used to even make my bed before crawling in at night if my day had been too busy to do it before I left the house - ok, well that habit stuck because I made my bed last night before climbing in it :-)

But my life - well that's a whole different world. Even my journal keeping is all over the place. Some of my "journaling" is on the computer desk top, some on the lap top, some in a written journal, some in various spiral theme notebooks, and some in little scrapbooks.

I anticipate living a life in harmony with my inner self someday. However, it's been chaotic for so long, I'm starting to wonder if it's possible.


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