I'm listening to Micheal Crawford's A Christmas Album.
The thought keeps coming to me
"What are the gifts God has given you?
What are the God given gifts you see in others?"
One very noticeable this morning, was when our son was in church and returning to his seat with our family. Over the pulpit we heard "Our first speaker will be.." and he realized that he was scheduled to speak today. It was the first I knew of it, and it was evident he had forgotten his responsibility. He approached the chapel podium, leaned up to the counselor int he bishobric and asked for help. He was given a suggestion. Going to the pulpit and facing the congregation, he openned the scriptures - read a passage and then said "what I think this means is..." Bore his testinmony and sat down.
How many of us, myself included would have sat down in the congregation and shaken our heads "no" or dashed out the door like an emergency response team member and left for the entire day. I realized this son of mine has the gifts of courage, and grace under pressure, (and no stage fright).
PS I began this last Sunday and didn't enter it until today ----